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As legendary ruler of Toltec in Mexico, he is also known by the names of Ce Acatl, Naxcitl, and Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl. When he was young, Quetzalcoatl underwent seven years of meditation and spiritual training to become a priest. As a result of his extraordinary skill, the Toltecs requested that he became the ruler of Tula. His military achievement and religious piety made him a powerful ruler. Known as a holy man who was in communion with the Divine. Quetzalcoatl eventually left his kingdom in search of higher wisdom. Wherever he went, Quetzalcoatl shared the teachings that he had learned from Heaven and from the wise sages he encountered during his travels. Today we share with you the life and teachings of Quetzalcoatl, with excerpts from the Gospel of the Toltecs in Words of Wisdom.