Bahasa Melayu

The Experience Purehearted Disciples Should Have: Seeing Master Power Is Indeed Within Us

Baca Lebih Lanjut

Dear Master and Supreme Master TV team, I am 8 years old. When I close my eyes, I can see Master in my mind, and I can ask Master questions. Master is always with me! Thank You, Master. I love You!!! Li-Ya from Taiwan (Formosa)

Sweet Li-Ya, We thank you for reminding us that Master is always with us inside. No matter the circumstances, we can always count on Her benevolent guidance. May you and pretty Taiwan (Formosa) continue to be blessed in the boundless Love of the Heavens, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master has a loving message just for you: “Cherished Li-Ya, the Master Power is indeed within us, wherever we are, whatever we do. It is great that you know this at such a tender age. This is the way it should be experienced by purehearted disciples! I am proud of you and love you very much. May the Buddha always protect you, your family and beloved Taiwan (Formosa).”