Bahasa Melayu

It Is an Excellent Example of How Powerful Vegan Diet Is Not Only for Health But for Spirit

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And now we have a heartline from Zi-Ping in Singapore:

Dear Most Beloved Master and brothers and sisters of the Supreme Master TV team, I wish to share a story that is another testament to Master’s care and protection for Her disciples and their families, as well as the benefits of the vegan diet. 

In mid-2015, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, a reality that shook her terribly. Although the tumor was successfully removed through surgery, the doctor informed us that the diseased cells had already spread to her axillary lymph nodes and advised chemotherapy as the best solution.

However, being aware of the harmful side effects of the treatment method, my mother was reluctant to go through with it. It was then that I urged her to choose a vegan diet to combat the illness. Despite knowing that myself and my family have all been vegans for a long time, my mother had previously been averse to the idea for the same reasons that many people still are: she believed that a healthy human diet was incomplete without the nutrients from animal-people meat, having been educated thus from a young age and reinforced in her belief by influence from the media, advertisements, and the surrounding community.

Up until that point, she was unwilling to change the seemingly unproblematic lifestyle that she was accustomed to. In that instance, however, she agreed to do just that, and in the decade that followed, her cancer never recurred. Aside from her health, her temperament also saw a shift for the better, as she became gentler and more empathetic. She can no longer bear watching animal-people suffer in industrial raising sites on television or seeing other people consume their flesh without feeling her heart ache for the life that had been subjected to so much pain before it was lost.

Humans are compassionate by nature; it is because of the consumption of animal-people meat and the negative energies that come with it that desensitize them to the cruelty involved in its production. If the people who are currently eating animal-people flesh would only give being vegan a try, they would reawaken their compassionate nature before long, as my mother has. Please, give veganism a try. There is everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Wishing Dearest Master safety and good health under the protection of Heaven and the mighty Godses, and may we celebrate a vegan paradise on Earth soon. Zi-Ping from Singapore

Filial Zi-Ping, We are so happy to hear the story of your mother’s transformation. It is an excellent example of how powerful the vegan diet is, not only for our health but for our spirit as well. We hope all humans awaken to this truth today and become vegan. May you and diverse Singapore live in the benevolent Grace of the Buddhas, Supreme Master TV team

P.S. Master has this loving message for you: “Supportive Zi-Ping, it is wonderful that your mother chose to follow your intelligent example and become vegan. Some of the most precious gifts we can give our family are truth and living in a virtuous way to show our love. Your mother has benefited a lot and saved her physical life and soul by taking your advice. This is no small thing. If we love our family, we must not give up on them and always give them the best that we know. Some may turn around, and it may be our care that changes their mind and heart. Thank you for taking good care of your loved ones. May you and the resourceful people of Singapore enjoy Heaven’s eternal Grace.”