
Mystical Beginnings: The Proem & The Parrot's Tale” From Rumi’s Teachings in “The Mesnevī” Part 2 of 2

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It is an honor to present the continuation of the tale, “The Oilman and the Parrot,” which highlights how we often become trapped by false assumptions and miss the more profound truths around us.

“The hypocrite worships as aping the saint, For form’s sake, or worse. His religion’s mere feint. In pilgrimage, worship, and fasting, and alms, Believers and hypocrites vie, as in psalms. Believers shall win in the last judgment day; The hypocrites then shall receive their due pay. The two are contending one great game of deeds, As factions of Mervites and Rāzites with creeds. They each shall go there, where their party shall stand; And each shall be classed as their actions demand.” […]

“How blest is the soul that, for love of its God, Has flung away wealth, health, even life, as a sod! Has pulled down its house a hid treasure to find, And built it again from that treasure refined! Who cuts off the streamlet to clear out its bed; Then turns on the water with which it is fed! Who gashes his skin to extract the spear-head! (The skin may now heal, for the irritant’s fled.) Who wrecks a strong castle to drive out the foe, Then rears it still stronger, to hold evermo’!”

“The will of Almighty God who shall control? These sentences written are parables all. Sometimes in one way, in another sometimes, Religion confuses before it sublimes. Not terror, bewilderment, loathing, dismay; But ecstasy, rapture, love, come into play. In trance of love fixed, one contemplates the Lord, Another, self-losing, unites with his God. Observe the rapt features of that one, of this; Perchance by such watching thy soul may gain bliss.”

“Too numerous demons in human form walk; Beware, then, with whom you engage in talk. The fowler his whistle may play in the field, To lure the poor birds, saying: “Come and be killed.” Each songster conceives ’tis the voice of its mate, Descends from the air, and meets with its fate. The sinner, in pious cant, uses a while, To trap the unwary who ponders no guile. The upright deal faithfully, truly, in trust; The wicked imagine but fraud and distrust. A lion of wool is a beggar’s device; Musaylama’s named Muhammed in a trice. Musaylama liar, deceiver we know, Muhammed was faithful in weal and in woe. The nectar of God’s love was the food of his soul. The wine that inebriates dash from thy bowl.”
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