Photography bySupreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)

Happy Christmas Season!

I just want to remind you of the spirit of Christmas. If you really worship Jesus Christ, you have to follow Him by His teaching. Even if you’re not enlightened yet, you must do what you can physically to help each other and to stop all the killing, stop all the wars – stop all the war with humans, stop all the war with animals. Then Heavens will be more lenient with us and we will not suffer pandemics or any other disaster again. That is the most urgent thing to do. – Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)
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Nature is so kind.
I always put my hands to my heart after each beautiful photo and thank them all,
because I truly am awed and grateful for their elegance and loving energy!
Above all, I thank God for everything revealed before my eyes, and the inspiration that came with it.
~ Supreme Master Ching Hai (vegan)