
Exalted Womanhood, Part 1 of 20

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Hallo there, all the beautiful souls! Greetings from me. Blessing from God to you. All the best to yourself and those in your fold. Today, I would really like to talk to the women. All the beautiful women in this world and in the whole universes. Women, please always be respectful to yourself because you are wonderful, you are unique. Imagine, all the men run after you! You are the mothers of the world, the mothers of Saints and Sages, the mother of Lord Jesus, and the mother of Buddhas. So be respectful to yourself. Not arrogant, but be proud of yourself and take good care of yourself.

I’m talking to you, high-ranking women who have high power, high position in society, as well as any woman that I met or will meet on the street, in the airport – woman janitors, housekeepers, any woman at all, including the women who are still in prison for some reason, including the women who think not well of themselves because of society, because of prejudice from someone else since you were a child or ongoing, when you were growing up and even nowadays when you are already a big adult and a mother or someone lonely in old age, or some young females who still do not yet feel sure of themselves.

And those women or girls who unfortunately feel like they shouldn’t be pregnant, but they are. And more unfortunately, they tried to or did get rid of the wonderful beings whom God had placed into their body as a fetus. I am not here to condemn or to judge any of you at all. You have the situation, you have the position, you have a circumstance in which you have to be like this, be like that. You cannot always decide by yourself or for yourself, but you are influenced by society, good or bad. And sometimes you make a decision that you regret, such as an abortion.

In some poor and/or war-torn countries, for women it’s difficult to find a job. These kinds of decisions are, of course, understandable, even though it’s not good at all, not good at all. Try to find a better way by all means. And in the rich countries, it’s easy to afford many things. To make such a decision is not good at all. You will regret it all your life. But I have a solution. To redeem yourself of this guilty feeling or of the decision you made that you regret, just do the opposite from now on. Be a babies’ advocate. Be pro-life. Join the pro-life group or society, association. Protect children, adopt children and you will redeem your mistake and you will feel better. And if you’re still young, you will have time to make up for it when you have a settled marriage and family, or financial stability, and you’ll be the best mother, I bet, learning from your mistakes.

In Buddhism, to kill is absolutely a no-no. In many other “-isms,” it’s the same. It’s just in Buddhism, it’s more strict. And the women who have been raised in Buddhism would think more before they take such a decision as an abortion. But now, whatever mistake you have done, you can always repent and redo the present and the future to make up for it. Remember, one time, Mahatma Gandhi was asked a question. Some person asked him that that person had killed a Muslim child, so he probably will go to hell; what should he do? So Mahatma Gandhi told him that you can redo it. You can redeem yourself by adopting a Muslim child, and raise them up as best as you can. Humans can make mistakes due to ignorance, due to unfavorable situations, due to financial hardship, but we can always redeem ourselves. Return the sin by the favors. Do the opposite. Do what we can to erase the bad memories, guilty feeling, and the bad mistakes. Make a better future from now on.

Now, in Buddhism, in some of the recorded sutras, one of the people – or even nowadays, some Buddhist believers, especially males, would say, “Oh, a woman cannot become a Buddha.” What if that woman is already a Buddha? What if She just returned again as a normal human being in order to integrate with humanity so that They can help the world in a female form? Because being a male is not always favorable to having enough power to do the mission of God. It depends. Because the Buddhas or Bodhisattvas, They can do many things.

If you remember the Lotus Sutra, Quan Yin Bodhisattva said that She could manifest Herself to become a virgin girl or a virgin boy, or an official, or a rich person, business merchant, etc., in order to help whomever, in whatever situation which She deems fit to help that person or that group of people or that country. So, what if Quan Yin Bodhisattva manifested Herself as a woman coming to our world in order to help humanity. Whatever it is, I want to emphasize to you that, women, you are the mothers of humanity. Even the Buddha cried when He saw a big heap of bones because the bones were black compared to the bones of the males on the other side, and He cried when He heard that these were females’ bones, because females suffer a lot physically.

Being a mother or being a girl in the family is hard work, especially in the old times, when women were more restricted. You could not go out alone. Even nowadays, in many countries, if a woman goes out alone, the males can make trouble for her. Even in India, the very religious country, or even in some African countries, you see it. But you are the mothers of humanity. Humans should love, thank and respect you highly. You are the mothers of the Buddhas, of Christ that the whole world worships. You are the mothers of all the Saints and Sages, male or female Saints and Sages. You are the mothers of the presidents, of the prime ministers, of high officials, of all the best symbols, best beings that people admire, worship, or envy. You are the mothers of them all. So be proud, be respectful of yourself, have your self-esteem – not arrogance, but self-esteem – knowing what God gave you as the power to be the mothers. That is a very, very noble and absolutely high position. That’s why in many of the religions, the children are told to be respectful and filial to the parents. And, of course, that includes the mother.

I just talk as it goes along as I remember, so maybe I’ll jump subjects a little bit. Now, in some of the Buddhism sects, they were saying that the female body is defiled and you cannot become a Buddha. But that is just general talk. The Buddhas can be anything. Why would the Buddha always be male? And what’s the difference? Just one little thing down there, that will certify you to be a Buddha? Or that will enable you to be a Buddha? That is not thinkable. I cannot believe that. Because, actually, I myself also have been Quan Yin Bodhisattva, for example, many times. And many times, I was then a woman, in a woman’s form – not always being worshipped or understood, sometimes quietly also. And we have many women Buddhas also. In my group, there were at least two residents, nuns, who had reached Buddhahood. They passed away already. And we have their photographs in our New Land Ashram, so some people can have that, can see it, to remind themselves that women can also become Buddha if you have the right method of practicing spiritually.

Photo Caption: Every Day Is Soul’s Spring Day

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