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Today, we are pleased to present Chapter 6, Book 5: Tracts Aboth (Fathers of the Synagogue), in the Babylonian Talmud. “Said Rabbi Joshua ben Levi: ‘Every day a Heavenly voice goes forth from Mount Horeb, and proclaims as follows: “Woe to the creatures for contempt of the Law, for whosoever does not occupy himself in the Law is called ‘blameworthy,’” as it is written […] [Exodus 32:16]: “And the tables were the work of God, and the writing, was the writing of God, engraved (charuth) upon the tables.” Do not read charuth, graven, but cheruth, freedom, for there is no free man but him who is occupied in the study of the Law; as whosoever is occupied in such study, behold he exalts himself, as it is written [Numbers 21:19]: “And from Mattanah to Nachaliël; and from Nachaliël to Barmoth.”’ He who learns from his companion one chapter, or one Halakha, or one verse, or one word, or even one letter is bound to do him honor, for thus we find with David, King of Israel, who learned from Achitophel two things only. Nevertheless, He named him His master, His guide, and His acquaintance, as it is written [Ps. lv. 14]: ‘But it is thou, a man my equal, my guide, and my acquaintance.’ […]This is the path of the Torah: A morsel with salt shall thou eat. Thou shall also drink water by measure and shall sleep upon the ground, and live a life of painfulness, and in Torah shall thou labor. If thou does thus, ‘happy shall thou be and it shall be well with thee’. ‘Happy shall thou be’ in this world, and ‘it shall be well with thee’ in the world to come.Seek not greatness for thyself and desire not honor. Practice more than thou learn, and lust not for the table of Kings, for thy table is greater than theirs, and thy crown greater than their crown, and faithful is thy Taskmaster, who will pay thee the wage of thy work. […]” Tosephtha – Aboth of Rabbi Nathan. “There are four things which bear good fruit in this world and yield greater benefits for the world to come if man observes them. They are honoring parents, conferring favors, reconciliation of adversaries, and, above all, the study of the Law. There are four things for which one who is guilty of them is punished both in this and in the world to come; namely, idolatry, incest, shedding of blood, and, above all, slander. A meritorious act has both principal and benefit, as it is written [Isaiah 3:10]: ‘Say ye to the righteous, that ye has done well; for the fruit of their doings shall they eat.’ […]”