
From the Sacred Works of Mencius: Gaozi I - Part 1 of 2

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Considered as the basis of Chinese culture, Confucius’ teachings appealed to many Chinese philosophers after His passing. The most famous Confucian thinker was Mencius, who was regarded as the true transmitter of Confucius’ teachings and was influential in the development of Confucianism, which is still practiced to this day. We now present excerpts from the enlightened wisdom of Confucius, through the teachings of Mencius, known as “The Works of Mencius” or “Mengzi.” “The philosopher Gaozi said, ‘Human nature is like whirling water. Open a passage for it to the east, and it will flow to the east; open a passage for it to the west, and it will flow to the west. Human nature is indifferent to good and evil, just as the water is indifferent to the east and west.’ Mencius replied, ‘Water indeed will flow indifferently to the east or west, but will it flow indifferently up or down? …Now by striking water and causing it to leap up, you may make it go over your head, and, by damming and leading it you may force it up a hill; but are such movements according to the nature of water? It is the force applied which causes them. When men are made to do what is not good, their nature is forced to change in this way.’”
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