
Zwycięstwo nad światem zakłócającym pokój, część 6 z 11

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And best of all, know God. Be enlightened enough so that you can see the Buddha, you can know the Buddha, you can see God, you can talk to God, you can hear God, you can hear the Buddhas, hear the Masters, see the Light of Heavens, etc. There are many landscapes for you to recognize in which Heaven you are, in which level of spiritual consciousness you are, by being initiated into the Quan Yin Method that I teach my God’s disciples. […] In the Kingdom of God, there are many levels. Just like Lord Jesus said, “In my Father’s House, there are many mansions.” […]

Yesterday, I was glancing at some of the world news, […] I saw President Zelenskyy went to Washington to see President Trump, and they were talking about peace, but it seemed like a war right there. […] Maybe the two of them should have sat together in a private office and sorted things out first and agreed with each other what they will talk in public. Otherwise like that, the whole world would see it’s not a very pleasant situation, even though both meant well. Both are very passionate about what they are looking for and what they are trying to achieve. […]

You eat better at home than what I eat here. And you live in a better situation than where I live – more comfortable, have running hot water. Over here, I have to take a shower in cold water, even wash my hair in cold water. […] So do not try to criticize too much. Not just me, but anybody. Anybody that tries to do good to humans, to animal-people spending all their time and all their capabilities and finances to help; just try to look into that. Do not criticize. What have they done wrong anyway? What have I done wrong? I’m just doing business. I’m taking in fair money, honest, and clean money, then giving it out to people, to whoever needs it, whenever God allows. […]

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