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Kinh Lăng Nghiêm: Bốn Lời Minh Huấn Về Tánh Thanh Tịnh (Phần Cuối) & An Lập Đạo Tràng Độ Sanh, Phần 7/8 24 tháng 12, 2018

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The pyramid is, people built it for meditation. Nobody even knew up until now, what it was for; for meditation purposes. Number one, it’s very good concentration inside. Energy. Also, the cosmic energy can help you. It’s one pointed like that. And then number two is that in the desert, it’s so hot. The pyramid is very thick, the wall diameter, very thick, and it’s so cool inside. After the Master dies, 300 or 500 years maximum, (the lineage) no more. That’s why every Sutra emphasizes a living Master.
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