
El Día Maestra Suprema Ching Hai es para Celebrar Toda Bondad Incondicional, Parte 3 de 6. 25 de octubre del 2018

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But how we live our lives, short or long, that is what counts. And whoever are meritorious enough, they’ll come down and get them, or praying strong enough, hard enough, or really want to see God, really want to liberate themselves, then the Saints will descend from that Fifth Heaven, come down, get you up. 

It’s good that the government of America recognizes good deeds and goodness in the human’s hearts, in the name of Ching Hai. But actually, every goodness from the heart, unconditionally, should be celebrated as a Ching Hai Day, or Ching Hai good deeds. Got that? Just symbolic. Just like we cannot give a Shining Leadership Award or Shining World Leadership Award to everyone, because we don’t always know the quiet deeds, good deeds of some person, everywhere in the world. So, the Americans, they recognize goodness. Maybe because in their deep hearts, they have goodness. That’s why they prosper. Not even three hundred years, they’ve become so strong, powerful, beautiful nation. And they even can accept every other nation’s people to come to live with them, and protect the citizens, from A to Z. So, this is a very good example for the world, not for me. Maybe it seems like it’s for me, but it's good for America to continue this trend of noble recognition, of gracious acceptance and recognition of good deeds and of goodness. That will also boost their goodness inside of their hearts. Therefore, we celebrate Ching Hai Day.

You must know all this. It’s not to praise Master alone, or Master good this and that; you’re all good. You’re all good, because you save animals by being vegan. You’re all good, because you have love, to sympathize with others, in your hearts. You’re all good, because you help me. Whoever can go long distances, unfavorable distances to help those in need, without wanting anything in return, without wanting recognition, nothing; but God recognizes you; Heaven knows your deeds. So, recognizing others…

And even in the Buddhist Sutra, it says to you, that even if you just stand by and look at somebody else doing good deeds to others in need and you also feel joy in your heart. And you feel happy for that person, who are helping and the ones who receive. You also share the merit. So, don’t worry that you don’t do anything good. You are good. Because you’ve been taught to be good, you’ve been taught to awaken goodness within you. So, I am proud of all of you, and let’s celebrate Ching Hai Days all the time. I don’t mind anymore. I feel good now. (Thank You, Master.) And don’t forget to thank God for this opportunity to do good deeds and to celebrate. (Thank You, Master.)

So, I thank you again. Here is written, I have to read it. She wrote it, I have to read it. I mean me. So, I thank you again.

I also thank you for your generous hearts over the years. For your tears of sympathy for other people. For your joyful support, every time you see good deeds done. I shed tears thinking of your good hearts and I still do. Also, apart from shedding tears for the suffering, afflicted people, I also shed tears because of your goodness, because of your unconditional willingness to help others in need, in my name, in God’s name, in the name of compassion. I can’t thank you enough. I cannot thank you enough. Your support, your love to all and to me personally, I cannot thank you enough. You support me in many ways, not just going to help the victims, but you support me in your hearts. You support me when you go and give rewards to the good person or good animals. You support me in your hearts all the time, by going to group meditation, meditating well and being vegans. And spreading veganism whenever, wherever you can. You support me in so many ways. I cannot thank you enough. I’m very proud of you. You are the saints in this human world, you are the saints in human bodies. You are the heroes in humble images. And I’m very proud of you. I’m very proud of you.

It’s good that you celebrate Ching Hai Day, but bear in mind, this is not only for me. For all who are good in their hearts, whether they express it or not express it, whether or not they give something materially or just spiritually or just sympathetically, all of them belong to Ching Hai Day. We celebrate them all. It’s good that you remember and celebrate it, so we are all reminded of charity, virtues, loving, goodness, compassion, which is inherent in our beings. Because we’re from God; we have God’s quality; we have God’s love, so we share it. If I have time, I will join you for celebrating, in the future. Not for me, but for you, for all who are good and pure at heart, who are uniting the world with real love and unconditional compassion. May Heaven bless you all manifold for what you are and what you’re doing for others and for yourselves. Thank you very much from my heart. (Thank You, Master.)

Thank you all, disciples and non-disciples, whoever are good. Whoever are good to others, I thank you and celebrate that. Thank you, thank you. (Thank You, Master.)