And now we have a heartline from Aurora in the United States:
Most Beloved Master, Thank YOU for taking my dearest sister to a higher realm and caring for my family! My sister and I got initiation into the Quan Yin Method on the same day, and we had been very close always. She was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. I took care of her, staying in the sunny private ward also. Having lost our father two months earlier, I hadn’t recovered from the exhaustion and emotional traumas. Yet, YOU blessed us by taking us into another dimension, like a capsule or bubble – we didn’t feel the sorrow but felt like we were on a spaceship having our last vacation, a last retreat together like we had many times in this life. It was a blissful five-day experience till she passed…
Doctors were surprised she didn’t suffer any pain and left earlier than estimated. On her last Sunday afternoon, she had a new phenomenal experience “entering the Universe.” At night, she was repenting to YOU for not meditating enough some days; and she composed a long poetic lyric singing to YOU wholeheartedly with a metallic voice. Soon, she entered a miraculous realm where “Only God and her were together, in the ENTIRE UNIVERSE!” On Tuesday morning, she was gone in PEACE. My mom and I witnessed her drainage tube wound heal instantly. Her forehead warm, face bright… The makeup artist asked, “Is she 30 yet?” By then, in about two months she would have turned 50. She looked vibrantly young, and peacefully beautiful, as if asleep. Thank YOU!
She was found terminally ill abruptly. It could have been difficult to accept for someone who loved and enjoyed life. Yet in her last three months, I witnessed her graciously accepting everything, calmly and elegantly living every single counting-down day, reciting the Holy Names always. It was due to YOUR Blessings, her faith, and 24 years of following YOU practicing Quan Yin meditation, she could have handled it so gracefully.
You have transformed her into a real SAINT in merely two decades! The last word she wrote was “QUICK” – implying her life – hurriedly paid off all her karma and achieved such a spiritual evolution in her 49-year life! Thank YOU, our Ultimate Master! Wishing more souls recognize YOU and take this once-in-a-million-year opportunity to follow YOUR TEACHINGS and get liberated! May THY will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven! May World Vegan, World Peace come soon! Your grateful disciple, Aurora from the United States
Graceful Aurora, Thank you for sharing the remarkable story of your sister’s life and death.
Master has this special message for you: “Endearing Aurora, your faith and spiritual higher attainment are evident through your sincere practice and strength. I read with humble gratitude and love to God, that Hes bestows on Hiers disciples so much Blessing and Peace for the heart, which is hard to find in this chaotic realm! When we know God and understand our place in the Universe, we can handle all experiences, even death, with the amazing Grace of God, which is always with us. It is not how many years we are on this Earth, but how we spend those years is of the utmost importance. You and your sister both made the best possible choice by getting initiated into the Quan Yin Method. Now, your sister is a free soul, soaring off into the higher realms where she can live forever in limitless glory. If people truly understood how bound they are in this illusion world, they would rush to get initiation as well. Love you and your sister! May you and the brave people of the United States be filled with Divine strength to fulfill your holy purpose in this life and beyond.”